Wednesday, 8 February 2012

50s sewing day

A friend has organised a 50s sewing day for the express purpose of knocking up some fancy Stepford dresses. We are all experienced seamstresses so the goal is to have complete outfits by the end of the day. Everyone needs to arrive having their toile done and ready to sew.

Butterick and Vogue patterns online had a sale on, so I picked up a few to peruse and then decide. I also have a collection of vintage patterns that I have picked up over the years as well. Yes I am a collector.

I liked the idea of Butterick B4790, but I am worried that the cut of it might not suit my current shape. The original pattern is shown on this Vintage Dress wiki which I have spent far too long on this week!!

Hubby seems to think that this Vogue pattern will suit me better. The big question is what type of fabric should I get to make it with. Block or pattern? Suggestions?

Monday, 6 February 2012

Come and get me patchwork Quilting

If you know any teachers you will know that the start of the school year is very, very busy on every level. So my sewing machine has been gathering some dust. Two weeks in and I found time tonight to finish another section of the "come and get me" pillow.

I am quite enjoying the quilting bit of this. I love geometry and so it is a lot of fun working out which quilting pattern will do my Pac or Ghost justice.

But on another front I have been creating some accessories. Bounce on over to my Konstant Kaos Facebook page where I am posting pictures of "works in progress".