Friday 28 February 2014

A collection of #vintagecar badge photographs

I love to photograph old cars. To imagine their stories, where they have come from, where have they driven. And I love to capture their badges, which seem to be much more complex than the modern car badges (and attached via screw and bolt).

Here are a few pics that I have taken over the last year or so.

I love how the culture of the time shines through on the badges. The ones that were created in the 20s and 30s, and then the 50s and 60s.

If you are interested in keeping track of my car pictures, head on over to either my facebook page or instagram.

Sunday 23 February 2014

My wee man turned 3 this week

Can't believe how fast three years passes you by when you have kids.

I can't believe how slowly 3 months goes by when you have a son on the spectrum.

He is non-verbal, but finds his voice (noise) when he doesn't like what he is doing or how you are doing it. Routines are king, and colours play an important part in his life.

He generally only has two speeds, running and sleeping. 
So keeping him still for all sorts of things is a challenge.

New textures are a challenge for him, but he seemed to cope well yesterday with mucky hands when we went to the farm

And he didn't freak out when the "Robert the Goat" wanted some food.

He was so exhausted and hungry after two hours of running around the farm that he sat and ate lunch, and for a moment I forgot that he was diagnosed last year as being on the spectrum.