My daughter seems to find pleasure in emptying out my handbag, so I thought I might make a little pouch to put all my first aid things in it (such as Panadol, Band-aids etc). My husband has a little one that came with his car in red and it is the same size as my coin purses that I make, but I wanted to do something different and bigger!
So with M*A*S*H in mind, I used my doggy treats bag pattern and embroidered a red cross on some camouflage material. The back is cotton drill, base is black PVC and the inside is red homespun.
I have some bonjella for baby in there and also some antiseptic wipes and hand wash. Hopefully I won't have to access it much!
Write Club: Mystery Box
As a treat we had a mystery box in for our Writers Club at lunchtime.
In the box, a variety of objects that students could use to weave a story.
We pulle...
3 years ago