Friday 19 February 2010

Why is craft such a female dominated world?

I tend to indulge in a little mindless internet surfing from time to time, but this afternoon I stumbled across a collection of sites that I have not seen before. And I asked myself the question, why is craft such a female dominated world?

It is a bit strange to see sites called "Quilt Dad" and "I am just a guy who quilts" given that I am used to reading about women and mums who quilt.

Flipping through one of the daddy quilting blogs, I noticed that quilters of the male gender blog about different topics to many of the quilters of the female gender. Most of the posts are quilting related, but I am talking about the non-quilting posts. Once post sparked my interest I came across a post on Open Source Embroidery.

Being an IT person, I love it when I see cross over into craft. I am forever looking for computer quilting fabrics and thinking of how I can incorporate the geek into what I make.

Check out the two blogs I linked to. These guys are doing great stuff! Do you know any other crafty blokes blogs we should be looking at?
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Anonymous said...

I randomly discovered today, pretty good value! :)

Jennie said...

I'm enjoying Mr X Stitch, and he often features other male craftspeople, both at Etsy level and professionals.