Saturday 16 January 2010

Buy Australian Made ...

Celebrate Australia Day on the 26th January by supporting one of our local textile designers.

Here is a list I have been compiling for a while now, if I have forgotten anyone, let me know!!Flipping through their web sites and shops there are some lovely fresh designs in there. I tried to search for some indigenous designers, but did not have any luck :(

I often have difficulty buying these fabrics from my local stores so I often resort to just buying online. But keep an eye out at the various stitches/craft/quilt fairs that occur in Melbourne, as they are often sold there.
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Stephen Gately said...

Hello there

Nice to see that you are promoting Australian made items. I just wanted you to know that we promote Australian made products and services as well via radio advertising, Media releases, competitions, online forums, social media and our website, visit us some time and see lots of Australian made products and services. Happy Australia Day. Stephen

Thea said...

This is a great idea Margaret. Thanks for including Thea & Sami. And yes, I will be at the Melbourne Stitches and Craft Show in May so hope to meet you there. x