Monday 22 March 2010

Pillow for the new bed

My daughter moved into her "big girl bed" on Saturday. Much excitement was had in the lead up to it. Over the last few weeks we changed little things in her room such as replacing the side cot with a guard rail, replacing her small cot pillow with a "big girl one" and her old blanket with her "big girl one". When we moved her into her new bed, there wasn't much that changed. Sheets looked the same, same pillow, same blanket and same guard rail.

The bed looked a little sparse, so I whipped up this pillow from panel that I bought ages ago online. It is meant to be a cloth book about colours, but I think that it looks better as a pillow.

Basic 14" poly pillow, invisable zip and black homespun for the back. Seams are not very sexily finished off as I literally "whipped it up". I am also planning on doing the green one for her bed as well. I will be making the other colours into pillows at the Modish Makers Market in May. As part of the lead up to their first market, they also did an interview about Konstant Kaos.

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