Tuesday 8 March 2011


The thing that I love about books is the tactile experience of flipping through them, using post-it notes to mark what projects I want to work on and initial thoughts, and then of course putting them on a shelf to access at a later date.

At this point, I can't imagine that an eBook would provide me with a similar endorphine rush that a hard copy print book would have, although if some of the pattern books were electronic I could print off the pages that I needed and never have to worry about harming my poor book!

Here are few books on my wishlist .. here's hoping that a few might travel my way in early April ...

I am quite excited by the prospect of Sarah Fielke's new book Quilting from little things. I'd love an autographed copy (hint, hint), but you need to order from her directly ... Of course Sarah is co-author of Material Obsession a great range of patchwork quilting books.

I am not too crash hot for Amy Butler's textile range (not enough skulls), but her designs are quite good and I am going through a bit of a bag stage .. Style Stitches looks like it could be worthwhile.

Quilting Line and Colour looks like it could be an interesting read. I love patchwork and quilting that defy the "traditional" styles and the cover of this book reminds me of Oh Franssons Tokyo Subway quilt.

I've flipped through this one a few times, The Creative Family by Amanda Blake Soule. One of the traits that I want to pass onto Victoria and Nicholas is the creative trait. Making things from nothing.

So which crafty books are on your wishlist? I am sure that there are many out there that you could recommend, have you purchased any of the books listed and were they worthwhile? What about hardcopy vs. eBooks? Do you feel the way I do about hardcopy books?

1 comment:

Karen said...

I'm a lover of physical books as well. There is something non-tangable about holding a book that an e-reader could never replace.

I had seen that Quilting Line and Colour book mentioned before and it looks interesting. I even saw a give-away for it, but sadly it was only open to US residents because of postage costs :(