Wednesday 5 January 2011

Get Well Kita

My first sewing project for the year was a little first aid pouch for a friend of the family who ended up in Emergency on Boxing Day with a burst appendix.

Get Well Kita

Tori coloured in the card and composed an underwater scene on the inside of the card with stickers.

Front of First Aid Pouch

Where as I was sent to the sewing machine to make something timely. A little pouch for her to keep her bandaids in just incase she gets a sore stomach again ..

Back of first Aid Pouch

Inside and the back of the pouch was in Gingham.


Karen said...

I do admire your quick thinking and action in these situations. I always have the "I want to make something for them" urge but by the time I have thought about what to do and worked it out, the situation has passed and there isn't as much point.

I really should have a mental stock of ideas to pull from like you do, and to remember that not everything has to be a grand project.

Wendy said...

This is so cute, what a sweet little idea... maybe I need one of these in my bag to keep my tablets, in case I bang my knee!