Tuesday 28 July 2009


Kanzashi refers to elaborate hair ornaments worn by women in Japan. They originated around 1600. Wikipedia has an entry about them. But of course we can put them on scarfs, bags and other crafty things that we make.

via Kanzashi in Bloom

The wonderful Dianne Gilleland from Craftypod has written a book called Kanzashi in Bloom and they are giving away two copies!

If you want to get an idea about what aKanzashi is, then here are a few tutorials .... and some more! ... and some more!

1 comment:

Sister Diane said...

Thanks so much for the shoutout! There's also a giveaway going on at Betz White's blog: http://blog.betzwhite.com/2009/07/kanzashi-in-bloom-give-away.html and at Whipup: http://whipup.net/2009/07/27/blog-tour-kanzashi-in-bloom-with-diane-gilleland/