Friday 10 July 2009

Monthly Goal Meet Up: July

via CravingsFrocks I came across the monthly goal meet up site and I am going to join in!

It is hard to run a business from home AND work part time AND take care of a demanding 2 year old ... so hopefully if I document some of my goals I will be accountable. So here it goes ...

Konstant Kaos Business Goals for July
  1. An up do date Etsy shop. My products are not going to sell themselves sitting in my front room. I don't have to put *everything* on etsy, just a few key items to make sure that my bases are covered when people look me up. Of course this means taking pictures, cropping, uploading etc. No wonder I avoid it!
  2. Use scheduling more in blogger to manage my blogging time. That means writing posts a head of time (*shock* I hear you say).
  3. One dedicated sewing day a week. Not to say that I am not going to sew at other times, but if I put aside a "work day" then I can schedule my time around that.
  4. Work on Pin, Cut, Sew a bit more and the ideas that I have in that area. Yes I have another online shop where I sell material that I can't use. But I have other ideas for this business name and I need to find some time to sit down and "just do it".
  5. Do my books for Tax Refund. Another "just do it" goal.

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