Thursday 23 July 2009

Material Goodness

You know you are a frequent buyer when you wander into your favourite patchwork store and the owner wanders up and shows you a pile of fabrics that she has put aside for you in their sale *giggles* Made my day! I had spent the previous hours on the couch sleeping. Sore throat, but really exhausted.

I came away with a modest purchase of fabrics; Alexander Henry Snuggle Skull, some really cute Kokka fabric that will become cute mini lunch totes, some standard skull fabric and some purple skeleton fabric. All good! I was hoping to make a quick stop at GJ's on my way to the Yarn Barn to get more Merino for my current crochet project ... instead I went and looked at VnV Boutique on Lygon Street. From the outside it looks like your average goth shop, but their range is probably more alternative and from next week they will have gallery space opening up for alternative artists. Interesting.

So, just incase you didn't pick up this interesting fact from my post ... GJ's in East Brunswick have a 25% off sale for the next week until next Wednesday. Enjoy!


CurlyPops said...

Eeek! I don't know if I can resist 25% off.

Jennie said...

Thanks for the tip! Last night I tried to streamline my week with an evening drive to Spotlight Box Hill, but now it looks like I'll be heading to GJs as well.