Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Cross Stich can be sexy

I have a thing for monochromatic craft. Konstant Kaos has a definate colour palette. I don't really go for the linen/pastel look, the main colours that I work with are black, red and white.

So I was very excited to see that Design Sponge had a link to the cutest cross stitches by Tamara at The Six Week Boutique. I don't really go for the traditional looking cross stitches, I like them a bit more funky.

Credit Crunch cross stitch via Bugs and Fishes

Another fabulous site is the radical cross stitch site.

Stop Climate Change Cross stitch via radical cross stitch

Zoe in Edinborough (from my mother country) has a great blog post pointing to some other groovy cross stitch samplers such as the one below by Lupin.

1 comment:

Sharon~Two Bits Patches said...

Some great links! I don't have pleasant memories of cross stitch, something to do with being made to finish a project I no longer liked, but these look so interesting and achieveable.