Monday 20 September 2010

Busy weekend

A busy weekend was had preparing for the very small party we had for Tori on Sunday. Last year we had to cancel her party because she had severe gastro and ended up in the Royal Children's Hospital with dehydration.

We only had a handful of kids around all three or turning three. It was a nice small intimate group. Cake was simple, I used the sponge cake recipe and used dairy substitutes (Nutelex and soy milk) as one of the girls that turned up can't eat dairy. So what you are looking at is butter free butter icing!

I love this picture, she looks so grown up. Rather than wear the new clothes we got her, she wanted to wear her party dress. By the end of the day it was really grubby, but she had fun.

This week will be a busy week with final book edits due in to my publisher and corrections for school. I am hoping to get all my work done this week so that I can relax and do some indulgent sewing next week.


Jennie said...

Lovely dress - is it from Pumpkin Patch? Cake looks gorgeous too!

Karen said...

That is a great photo of her, she's looking just like you ;)

One of my Hobby Blogs said...

love her dress! Isn't it great dressing little girls these days, such fabulous (inexpensive) outfits available! Glad to hear she made it to this year's party!!! (my boy just turned three too!)