Choose a picture of yourself and explain when and where it was taken ...
Taken at the 2008 Labyrinth Ball in Northcote. Wearing my husbands mask, I also entered this into our camera club as a piece called "Human Inside". I can't remember if it won anything ...

Currently trying to read Trudi Canavan's The Magician's Apprentice. I loved the Black Magician Trilogy and she is a crafty lady as well ...
What have you been listening to lately?
Flogging Molly - great Irish punk band. I also finished a piece on the weekend for someone using Beatles fabric, so lots of Beatles (but mainly Abbey Road and Peppers).
Do you nap a lot?
I sleep deeply, but tend not to have naps during the day unless I am feeling sickly. I am generally a late to bed, struggle to rise type of person.
Who was the last person you hugged?
My daughter when I said goodbye to her at her grandparents this morning.
What’s your current obsession/addiction?
The Blog bug has bit me at the moment. Getting good content onto my blog is important to me at the moment as I build my business.
What are you wearing right now?
Jeans, top and necklace by Ecomorph Designs that I bought at Rose Street Market a few weeks back.
What was for dinner?
Dinner tonight is at the German Grandparents, so something yummy with gravy (if we are lucky there will be dumplings!)
If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Probably to make time stand still, I could really do with about 10 extra hours a day to do all that I want to do.
What is your favorite weather, and why?
I love spring, the blossoms starting to appear, the smell of warmer days in the air but still cool enough to do things without breaking a sweat.
What was the last thing you bought?
Camberwell market on Sunday Morning, some Golden Hands magazines for a few dollars.
If you could have a house- totally paid for, fully furnished- anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?
I'd love to live back in Carlton, within walking distance to the city. Unfortunately, I would also want a back yard - those houses are super expensive!
Favorite vacation spot?
Japan definitely! Followed by Dunk Island where you don't have to do anything and young tanned men bring you daiquiri's by the pool!
Favorite pair of shoes you keep going back to over and over, even though your closet is overflowing with a zillion others?
Firstly, I am not much of a shoe person. I tend to live in my doc martins. Comfort every time!
Name one thing you cannot live without?
Music is pretty important to me, listening to something while working and sewing. Much rather be listening to music or a podcast than watching TV.
If you could wake up anywhere tomorrow, where would it be?
I am happy right here in Northcote .. but Paris would be nice.
Tag someone to complete this meme ....
I am not too good at tagging people, but I would like to know more about people on my blogroll ... complete this if you must!
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