Sunday 1 January 2012

Day 1 #JANphotoaday Topic "Me"

This blog has become quite barren in the second half of last year. So to jump start things I have decided to attempt to participate in #JANphotoaday that Fat, Mum, Slim is running.

So the topic for today is "Me" ...

Sitting at the computer with a cup of hot tea in one of my gorgeous Nicola Cerini Mugs. Last year I decided that life was too short to sip tea out of crappy mugs with cracks in them. So when Myer had a sale on we stocked up on some lovely mugs in each of her designs.

If you would like to join the movement, simply blog, twit or FB a picture of you with the hash tag #JANphotoaday. Check out Fat, Mum, Slim for more details. And it's "ok" if you don't do it each day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great one. I'm going to do that one too - thanks for sharing.