Friday 25 February 2011

Photoshoping Victoria

Not quite in the mood to do my Etsy Friday Finds today, so here is a lovely photo of my daughter. Both before photoshop (left) and after (right)

Taken at a photoshoot when Nicholas was still in my tummy, we had taken a brief break to do Victoria's hair for some Mummy/Tori/Belly shots and "snap" the picture was taken.

When I first saw the picture I thought that a lot of Photoshop had been done, but looking at the before and after, it seems that not that much has been done at all. The funny thing about the picture is that it looks entirely staged, when in fact it was not.


Kirsty said...

That is a beautiful photo both of them are, in the Photoshop enhanced one she looks like a doll :)

Rachel said...

Beautiful photo, and of course beautiful daughter. If you told me that it was a photo of a porcelain doll I would believe you!

Ange Moore said...

That's an amazing photo. Isn't it amazing what a difference a little tweek with Photoshop can make!